"Verily, this matter (Islam) will reach where day and night have reached, and it will not leave a house of Madar (mud or clay) or a house of Wabar (fur of camels and goats, i.e. tents) except Allah will bring it into this Deen, (either) with the honour of an honoured one, or the disgrace of a disgraced one; honour with which Allah honours Islam, and disgrace with which Allah disgraces Kufr (disbelief)."
(Ahmad, Sahih).
It is obvious that you are passionate about Dawah , if you intentionally came to this website. If however your visit was unintentional, we consider you indeed a fortunate human being. May Allah reward you with Jannat-ul-firdaus.
"At a time when Islamic teachings are caught between fossilization & revival, hijacked by modernism & extremism, a chance to promote true Islam in its original unadulterated form was born. Allahu Akbar - surely this is a mercy from Allah. This opportunity has been made possible by the 'accidental' invention of the internet, a human creation resulting from divine intervention".......
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
It is our great pleasure to welcome you Islamically to IMADAWAH (Learning & Dawah) experience in which all the gates of the divinely revealed knowledge & guidance are shown to you but the keys reside at your finger- tips.
It is a cross platform , internet & (IMA+) devices based application with awesome user interface which makes instant messaging of videos, images, audios, v-cards & texts extremely easy via mobile devices.
IMADAWAH denotes an integrated, web based Dawah solution portal; which broadcasts via (IMA+) applications to (IMA+) compatible mobile devices. It is a free, non - profit making Dawah network that markets the authentic message of Islam. It is overseen & supervised by competent global scholars & daees (callers) and facilitated by volunteers around the globe. It however connotes SIMPLE, PERSONAL & REAL TIME DAWAH MESSAGING.
Internet (web based) Dawah began with great promises to change the way we live our lives & it was pretty great. While the internet (web based) Dawah is capped up with ever changing needs, the way we experience it has not changed until the arrival of IMADAWAH......A true game changer, absolutely amazing achievement, a seismic shift from & for the web , a trail blazer, thinking & acting globally, Dawah Without Borders, a union between innovation, technology & Dawah. At IMADAWAH, we are fully re- engineered & automated to unlock what is next & to serve you better; with volunteers manning servers around the globe waiting to grant your Dawah requests & provide answers to your questions.
To deliver the divine & pristine (authentic) message of Islam to all & sundry via the (IMA+) Handle.
Islamic Education & Islamization of knowledge.
To bring every human being back to absolute submission to Allah (s.w.t), In sha Allah.
"And who is better in speech than he who says: 'My Lord is Allah & then stands firm and invites to Allah, and does righteous deeds, and says: ' I am one of the Muslims' " (41:33)
Abd-Allaah Ibn 'Amr (ra) said the Prophet (saw) said "convey from me, even if it is one verse." (Bukhaari).
Recipients of IMADAWAH messages across the globe are asking & wondering how to help IMADAWAH grow from strength to strength. Just like you may be thinking or asking yourself right now.
The sacred knowledge is at your finger- tips, knowledge that will illuminate our lives and the lives of our friends & loved ones. So, fulfill the prophetic command which makes seeking knowledge obligatory on every Muslim NOW!
WHATSAPP: +27623805003
WHATSAPP: +27624331627
May Allah forgive us all our shortcomings & may He show us His face on the day of Resurrection (Ameen).
TRUTH is defined as a fact that has been verified or is in conformity with reality or actuality.
We sincerely & genuinely appreciate your courage & determination to seek clarifications in your quest for salvation. Indeed, we consider you to be a real ambassador of truth willing to seek the complete truth at all costs. Bits & pieces of truth are many but the complete truth is one.
God willing, we promise not just to provide you with the truth but the complete truth in all our conversations. We have also committed ourselves to treating you with courtesy & respect. We implore you to kindly reciprocate this gesture by expressing the whole truth & adhering to the principle of mutual respect.
We implore both parties to keep an open & objective mind for maximum benefit.
We like to remind you that there is no compulsion whatsoever in this exchange of ideas about the whole truth of salvation. We are looking forward to a mutually beneficial, fruitful, objective, open minded interaction that can lead both parties to the ultimate pleasure of God (salvation in the hereafter).
Oh truth seeker, we welcome you once again to IMADAWAH: sharing the complete truth.
WHATSAPP: +27624331627
This project intends to provide all our clients around the world with long audio lectures of any scholar, or (daee) of their choice around the world. Simply request via whatsapp, by telling us the the name of the daae(s) or scholar (s) & the titles (s) of lecture(s). We will send it to you via whatsapp In sha Allah.
This is a comprehensively designed constellation of materials (audios, videos, pictures, text) to promote the sunnah in all ramifications e.g. etiquettes, supplications, smile it's sunnah etc .This is part of the routine broadcast. It does not need to be requested.